"Champange Taste On A Kool-Aid Budget"

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


 Being from Minnesota personally ya gotta luv CHARLIE BROWN and all the holiday specials that were televised back in the good ol' days !!


Friday, September 15, 2017

50+Nursery+Rhyme+Songs - LazsRealm4U


Friday, September 1, 2017

Infinite Scrollin Gallery

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Monday, February 6, 2017

Save On Shopping

Well now "here's a newer concept that i am still having a problem with ... NUMBER ONE - YOU know that this 'so called' Honey is applying cookies all over the place if you add this to your browser... NUMBER TWO - It's kinda like when you want just one item and all of a sudden you have tons of ads placed into your email, phone spam, junk snail mail and more... due to the tracking of what you just purchased... Kinda like the grocery sores that offer "rewards" if you use thier card.

.. Sorry Not for Me but then that's just my opinion...

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