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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Capitol Critters _Full Season 1_Episodes 1-13


Animation | Comedy | Drama

A field mouse moves in the basement of the White House with various critters, the show pokes fun of things there.

ABC cancelled the show after showing only 7 of the 13 episodes that were produced. The Cartoon Network picked up the series in 1995 and it ran there for most of 1996.

Capitol Critters is an animated television series about the lives of mice, rats, and roaches who reside in the basement and walls of the White House in Washington, D.C. The series was produced by Steven Bochco Productions and Hanna-Barbera Productions in association with 20th Century Fox Television for ABC, which aired seven out of the show's 13 episodes from January 31 to March 14, 1992. Voices of Neil Patrick Harris, Bobcat Goldthwait, Charlie Adler, Jennifer Darling, and Patti Deutsch in Capitol Critters (1992) Creators Steven Bochco, Nat Mauldin, and Michael I. Wagner
Rated TV-PG en.wikipedia.org

Capitol Critters / S01E01: Max Goes to Washington
Season 1, Episode 1 | Aired on January 28, 1992 | 25 min. | ABC (US)
The series pilot. Max, a mouse living in a Nebraska farmhouse basement with his family, is the only survivor when the farmer living there hires an exterminator to take care of all the mice. Max leaves for Washington D.C. to go live with his cousin Berkeley, an activist mouse who still dresses like it's the 1960's.
   There he also meets the rest of the cast of the series - Jammett, a wisecracking rat, and his mother, Trixie. Muggle, an ex-lab rat who's had one experiment too many done on him. Moze, a roach who like all roaches lives segregated from the rats and mice. Finally, the P-Cat and VP-Cat, the rodents' new nemeses.

Capitol Critters / S01E02 : Of Thee I Sting
Season 1, Episode 2 | Aired on January 31, 1992 | 25 min. | ABC (US)
Max's optimistic view about Washington politics gets crushed when he witnesses first hand a shady senator taking a bribe from a businessman who wants him to vote a certain way.

Capitol Critters / S01E03: The Rat to Bear Arms
Season 1, Episode 3 | Aired on February 1, 1992 | 25 min. | ABC (US)
Jammet finds a gun and goes hunting for the president's cats.

Capitol Critters / S01E04: Hat and Mouse
Season 1, Episode 4 | Aired on February 8, 1992 | 25 min. | ABC (US)
During a recent food raid on the White House kitchen, Max loses his hat only to have it returned to him by Moze the cockroach. Max soon learns that Moze (and all the other roaches) are not very popular among the other rodents, especially Jammett.

Capitol Critters / S01E05 : A Little Romance
Season 1, Episode 5 | Aired on February 15, 1992 | 25 min. | ABC (US)
When a troop of Japanese dancers visits the White House, Max falls for a cute Japanese mouse named Miko who lives in the troop's luggage with her family. In the process of trying to rescue her from the P-Cat, he accidentally ""kills"" him and this dredges up all sorts of memories of his parents' deaths. To further complicate matters, Miko is leaving the next day and he wants to go back to Japan with her!

Capitol Critters / S01E06: Opie's Choice
Season 1, Episode 6 | Aired on February 29, 1992 | 25 min. | ABC (US)
Jammett becomes a local drug dealer when he starts selling caffeine pills to a squirrel named Opie. Max despises him for this, but Max soon gets into trouble himself when some tough pill-pushers think he's the one selling to Opie and don't like others taking over their business. They overdose Max on pills in order to kill him and this greatly upsets Jammett, who also learns Opie stole all of his family's food in order to pay Jammett for the pills he got!

Capitol Critters / S01E07: An Embarassment of Roaches
Season 1, Episode 7 | Aired on March 14, 1992 | 25 min. | ABC (US)
A couple of roaches move in upstairs with the rodents and no one is happy, but Max and Berkeley convince the others to let them stay. They soon question that decision, however, when the roaches start multiplying and the entire upstairs becomes covered in wall-to-wall baby roaches!

Capitol Critters / S01E08: Into the Woods
Season 1, Episode 8 | Aired on ???? | 25 min. | ABC (US)
Max and Jammett are hijacked by PETA activists and end up dumped in the wilderness, only to discover the animals' homes there are endangered by the construction of a mini-mall. Surprisingly, it's Jammett who takes the initiative in this episode!

Capitol Critters / S01E09: Gimme Shelter
Season 1, Episode 9 | Aired on ???? | 25 min. | ABC (US)
The gang discovers a rat and a roach who have been living together for 30 years (ever since the Cuban Missile Crisis) but perhaps not totally in peace and harmony. So the two species try to re-integrate each of them into their respective groups but is modern life too much for these two?

Capitol Critters / S01E10: The KiloWatts Riots
Season 1, Episode 10 | Aired on ????| 25 min. | ABC (US)
When the electricity is cut off to the rodents and roaches, they start to panic until Jammett gets the idea to bring in another source of power via extension cord, thus becoming his own electric company. (And charging outrageous rates to everyone, including his own mom!) But the other rodents decide they aren't going to put up with him any longer, and the confrontation may be too much even for Jammett!

Capitol Critters / S01E11: The Bug House
Season 1, Episode 11 | Aired on ???? | 25 min. | ABC (US)
Jammett umps a rat vs. cockroach baseball game and cheats by intentionally mis-calling a play when it appears the roaches will win. Moze doesn't like this and him and Jammett get into a scuffle which escalates into a riot - a serious crime in the roach world. Jammett is put on trial by them but all they want is vengeance, not justice -- except for one certain roach whom Jammett wouldn't of expected to have helped him!

Capitol Critters / S01E12: The Lady Doth Protest to Munch
Season 1, Episode 12 | Aired on ???? | 25 min. | ABC (US)
After a bill to help the hungry is defeated, Berkeley decides to go on a hunger strike until it is passed. But, can she withstand the temptation to eat as the gang goes on a citywide adventure when the truck they happen to be sitting in is stolen?

Capitol Critters / S01E13: If Lovin' You is Wrong, I Don't Wanna Be Rat
Season 1, Episode 12 | Aired on ???? | 25 min. | ABC (US)
President Bush's grandchildren are coming to visit, and one of them brings a hamster with her - a female hamster named Violet! Amazingly, Jammett falls for her instantly, and she for him! But can a domesticated animal live outside of her cage? Meanwhile, Max feels bad for the little girl who is now missing her pet, and decides to find a new hamster for her. But this time Max gets far more than he bargained for!

IMBD  Episodes

TitleOriginal air date
1"Max Goes to Washington"January 28, 1992
After Max the mouse's family is murdered by pest control workers, he moves to Washington, D.C. to live with his cousin Berkley.
2"Of Thee I Sting"January 31, 1992
Max gets trapped in the briefcase of a charismatic but crooked politician.
3"The Rat to Bear Arms"February 1, 1992
Jammet finds a gun and plans to obliterate the Presidential Cats.
4"Hat & Mouse"February 8, 1992
Moze shows up to return Max's hat, but Max's fellow rodents don't take kindly to a cockroach in their midst.
5"A Little Romance"February 15, 1992
When a stowaway family of Japanese mice arrive at the White House, Max rescues their daughter from the presidential cat and falls in love with her.
6"Opie's Choice"February 29, 1992
Jammet begins supplying Opie the Squirrel with caffeine pills.
7"An Embarrassment of Roaches"March 14, 1992
Max encourages his friends to let an elderly cockroach couple move in next door, but soon the rodents are up to their ears in baby roaches.
8"Into the Woods"1995
Trixie mistakes one of Jammet's marbles as a grape and bites into it, causing a massive toothache. Meanwhile, Jammet tries to help an owl who's in danger of losing his home when a crew shows up to tear down the forest and erect a shopping mall.
9"Gimme Shelter"1995
Max discovers a rat and a cockroach who've been living in a fallout shelter for 30 years.
10"The KiloWatts Riots"1995
When the power goes out below the White House, Jammet begins doling out extension cords in return for favors. Meanwhile, Muggle tries to devise an alternative power source.
11"The Bug House"1995
Jammet's attempt at cheating during a baseball game lands him, Max. and Moze in Roach Prison.
12"The Lady Doth Protest to Munch"1995
When an important bill is vetoed, Berkley protests by going on a hunger strike. Of course temptation lies around every corner.
13"If Lovin' You Is Wrong, I Don't Wanna Be Rat"1995
When the President's grandchildren visit the White House, Jammet falls in love with their pet hamster.

More Resouces: here

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