"Champange Taste On A Kool-Aid Budget"

Monday, October 8, 2018


Halloween is coming,
Ghosts and Goblins everywhere.
Little Monsters shouting,
Giving everyone a scare.

Pirates with an eyepatch,
Clowns and Rabbits too
Little Clowns with great big feet,
And a Pumpkin that says 'Boo'!

Little knuckles rapping,
On your windowpane.
And a scary Headless Horseman,
Walking down the lane.

And when your door is opened,
All these spooky things appear.
Grownups are so thankful,
That is comes just once a year.

Trick-or-Treaters are so happy,
As they scamper down the street.
For them this celebration,
Sure is hard to beat.

Think way back to your childhood,
When you went door to door.
And if you weren't 'treated',
Then you evened up the score.

But there's no more 'trick-or-treating',
Halloween is not the same.
Just hand the little ones the loot,
But please, let's change the name.

Don't call it 'trick-or-treating',
We'll call it 'Hand-Out-Day' instead.
Then when the kids get full of sweets,
We'll tuck them into bed.

No more soap upon the windows,
No confetti on the floor.
The kids may still enjoy it,
But to me it's now a bore!

©Joe Pielmeier SR.
10 / 13 / '02


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